Sudoku Password Maker
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Passwords created using this generator can be used for non-critical websites that require you to log in with a Password.

Critical websites, like financial and medical have their own rules to create passwords.

Start by creating Sudoku squares and labeling them.

Fill each square with an Alpha-Numeric character.

The letters will be in Uppercase and Lowercase. (A z)

The numbers used are 2 through 9

There can be confusion between the numeric character 1 (one) and alpha lowercase (L) in some fonts.

The next step is to create a PassKey.

The passkey labeled — C19R4 — shows that all characters in Columns 1–2–3–4–5–6–7–8–9 on row 4 will be included in the password, and written as the following — — — G8tU4fH9s.

Writing the passkey as C19R4 for a website keeps others from knowing your password.

To keep your passkey hidden from strangers, include special characters. They include — @ — # — & — * — and others.

Placing it in your passkey, in a random location will let you know which special character to use.

Someone reading your password won’t know where to place it.

Build your password generator by placing Alpha-Numeric characters in random locations to make your generator unique.

I used a combination pattern of, uppercase alpha, followed by a numeric character, and a lowercase alpha. ( A 2 z ) and grouped them into three boxes.

I printed and condensed the generator to the size of a credit card and placed it in my wallet. I keep another one near my keyboard next to my computer.